Social Determinants Of Health Screening Survey

Thank you for completing our survey!

Your feedback will provide valuable information to guide the next steps.


Health is not just driven by clinical care, but also by where you live, work, play and learn. ABHLA encourages the use of Z Codes to document Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Effective 12/13/2021, ABHLA began reimbursing a flat rate incentive payment of $30 per claim for a one-time billing of specific Z Codes billed with CPT Code G9919* with 1 unit.  (*G9919: Screening Performed and Positive and Provision of Recommendations) 

All patients who are screened and SDOH needs are identified can be referred to ABHLA resources and/or linked to a care team member who can support the member in finding and accessing resources.


Learn more about Social Determinants of Health and screenings by visiting the following sites:

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