CME and Events

Intersted in having the Louisiana AAP Institute for Professional Education accredit your event? Learn more below.
Add Value to your Educational Activities

Established in 2021, the Louisiana AAP institute for Professional Education (LIPE) has provided CME credit for the educational activities of non-accredited organizations as well as all educational events of the Louisiana AAP. We work with a variety of organizations to offer both one time and ongoing activities. Our joint provider partners include specialty societies, hospitals, academic medical centers, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
In order to be considered for joint providership, you must meet each of the following requirements:
- The target audience should be primarily physicians
- Your organization does not meet the definition of an ACCME defined commercial interest
- The activity or activities which are seeking joint providership must not have already occurred
Our dedicated accreditation team would be happy to provide more information or answer any questions you may have. Contact us at (225) 379-7923 or