Joint Provider Fees

Joint Provider Fee Structure

Information on fees is listed below. You can also click here to download the fee schedule.


An activity can be:
a one-time course or annual activity that happens once a year, and/or can be offered at various locations, but includes the same speakers, objectives and content.




A regularly scheduled series (RSS) has:

  • multiple sessions that occur on an ongoing basis (generally offered weekly, monthly, or quarterly),
  • an overall set of objectives that guide the content of individual sessions, and
  • is primarily planned by and presented to an organization’s professional staff.
Application fee: $300
CME credit hours (up to 4 hours): $400
Each additional CME Credit hour: $75
*If offering the same activity to include
the same speakers, objectives & content
within the same calendar year at different locations: $100

Application fee: $300
Quarterly series: $1,500
Monthly series: $2,000
Weekly series: $3,000



Late Fee (Occurs if a CME application is not received in the LA AAP office thirty (30) calendar days prior to the start of the activity. Absolutely no applications will be accepted 14 days or less prior to the start of the activity.)






Certificate Fee (If LA AAP staff distributes certificates to attendees) A complimentary certificate template is provided for all approved applications.



   $1 per certificate




A 10% discount is given to a non-profit with proof of 501(c) status.

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