Louisiana AAP 2022 SBIRT ECHO in Adolescents

Session 1: 3/31/22 Introduction to Substance Use in Adolescents and SBIRT

Presentation  |  Video

Session 2: 4/28/22 Readying your Practice for SBIRT

Presentation  |  Video

Download Helpful Links & Resources from Session 2

Session 3: 5/12/22 SBIRT: Screening and Tools

Presentation Video

Session 4: 5/26/22 Motivational Interviewing

Presentation Video

Session 5: 6/9/22 SBIRT: Brief Intervention

Presentation  |  Video

Session 6: 6/23/22 SBIRT: Referral to Treatment

Presentation  |  Video

Session 7: 7/7/22 Deeper Dive into Brief Intervention and Referral

Presentation  |  Video

Evaluation: Please take a moment to complete the post-session evaluation survey in order to receive CME Credit. Please note: You MUST attend all 7 sessions for MOC2 points. Click here to complete the session evaluation https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LAAAP_SBIRTPostSess


S2BI Quick Guide


Trauma Informed BI Guide

Women’s Health and Alcohol Rack Card

Contract for Life SADD

CRAFFT 2.1 N Clinical Interview

Listen and Summarize Activity

Marijuana Clinical Guidance

My Health Goals (2020)

No Use Challenge (2020)

One Degree Adult to Youth Rack Card


A ReThink of the Way We Drink

Adolescent Brief Intervention Jacob

Peer Assistance Services- Adolescents SBIRT Demonstration


The Practice Improvement to Address Adolescent Substance Use (PIAASU-2) project is funded by generous support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the project faculty and staff and do not necessarily represent the official views of the American Academy of Pediatrics or the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.